Moving on, last night did me dirty, from a healthy perspective. At one o'clock in the morning, I thought it was a good idea to eat chips, salsa, and a hamburger. In the event you find yourself in this position here are some Post-Pig-Out Tips. Post-Pig-Out never feels good. But, this is my favorite tip:
As full and heavy as you may feel, the numbers don't lie. It takes 3,500 extra calories to gain 1 pound of body fat. So unless you ate six slices of cake and drank eight glasses of wine, you're in the clear.
As full and heavy as you may feel, the numbers don't lie. It takes 3,500 extra calories to gain 1 pound of body fat. So unless you ate six slices of cake and drank eight glasses of wine, you're in the clear.
To recover from my post-pig-out, I want to start with a healthy breakfast. Pumpkin-Gingerbread Waffles is the perfect sweet treat without over indulgence. Hey, it's under 300 calories! The worst thing you can do is starve yourself post-pig-out. Start fresh and recharge. If it makes you feel better do a harder worker, but NEVER forsake food, ESPECIALLY BREAKFAST.

I'm a bit of a pumpkin-aholic. Anything and everything (minus cold pumpkin soup, yuck!) pumpkin, I love.
I find that, I'd rather eat like a pig in the morning at breakfast and gradually taper my meals in the day. It feels better to eat a salad for dinner after I've had these great waffles, as opposed to eating egg whites for breakfast and then chowing down on chips, salsa, and a hamburger at night (I only had a protein shake for breakfast yesterday, which I'm sure was a contributing factor to my late night pig-out). Though the obvious choice is to eat healthy throughout all meals, but honestly whose perfect? I love food and with that I know I'll never be super thin and super strict.
For me, food is about taste, pleasure, and sociability.
Good morning and happy Saturday :)
I find that, I'd rather eat like a pig in the morning at breakfast and gradually taper my meals in the day. It feels better to eat a salad for dinner after I've had these great waffles, as opposed to eating egg whites for breakfast and then chowing down on chips, salsa, and a hamburger at night (I only had a protein shake for breakfast yesterday, which I'm sure was a contributing factor to my late night pig-out). Though the obvious choice is to eat healthy throughout all meals, but honestly whose perfect? I love food and with that I know I'll never be super thin and super strict.
For me, food is about taste, pleasure, and sociability.
Good morning and happy Saturday :)
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