Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Snacking Tips

When I look into the refrigerator I fell a true sense of accomplishment. Forgive me because I have a bad memory, but a month ago I have no idea what was in my fridge. I know what was not in it: veggies and fruits. Now, I laugh. The small drawer inside my refrigerator that says "produce" is stuffed to capacity, and a majority of the fridge is in fact produce. Not only that, but thanks to the wonderful farmers market near my house, I've managed to save a ton on my grocery bills. Right now we have, grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, lettuce, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, lemon, and lime just to name a few items for under fifteen dollars.

My friend's father gave me a great anecdote, and so I'm passing it on: next to you feel like having a binge of junk food, look at the number of calories. Then, consider how many apples (or whatever healthy snack food you enjoy) you can eat to get the same calories. For some junk foods, I wouldn't be able or want to even eat the amount of apples needed to get those calories. When you think of it this way, it really makes you change your ideas on food.

I haven't been blogging because I've been in a diet rut, essentially recycling the same old recipes. But, I just got a great "yoga diet" that I'm going to dig through. New recipes to come soon, I promise...

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