Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's all about the Caesar baby!

I have found the ULTIMATE CAESAR SALAD! Normally this bad boy is around 850 calories and 64 g of fat/ serving.

Check out this recipe, it's 202 Calories and only 6.1 g of fat.

This makes 4 servings, and it's from Now Eat This this book is definitely worth picking up. It's 150 comfort food recipes jazzed up into a healthy version, each under 350 calories.

2 tbsp fresh lemon juice (I left this ingredient out)
5 tbsp of low-fat-mayonnaise (I use Hellmann's Low-Fat Mayonnaise Dressing).
2 tsp Dijon Mustard
1/2 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese

In a large bowl, combine the minced garlic, lemon juice, mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, and half of the grated cheese. Add One 9-ounce package of romaine lettuce, 4 chicken cutlets, and the rest of the cheese. Shake it and mix it!!

This recipe calls for croutons, and has a recipe for them; I am not a big crouton person (and I was also too lazy to toast the bread and this whole sha-bang for a little piece of hard bread in my salad). Instead, I took them out and added hard boiled egg whites!

I hit up Subway for lunch. It is a good deal for healthy eating when you're out, but you can make a turkey sammie at home for less money. Here is a list of items that are healthy and unhealthy at subway.

Quick On-the-Go Tip: For those of us smart phone users, I look up the restaurant I'm going to, if I'm out before I walk in. There should be an app for that - I'm going to look into it!

Week one - and done baybayyy!

For breakfast I've been eating the muffins I made in earlier posts. But I've eaten them all, so I'm going to put up some breakfast recipes tomorrow!


  1. Gabi,

    I really like the way you narrate the entire Healthy Life Project and I am really learning the ways to cut down fat from my diet. Although I have not stared working out but I will start that also because your blogs are a true inspiration for me!!

  2. Oh thanks Tas! You're so sweet! I have a workout page that I'm building, and will link it to this page!

  3. this recipe sounds wonderful! I think low far may is just as good as regular. I am not a crouton fan either, Gabi
